Invitation: Join the X-Challenges and Shape Education’s Future

Dear Esteemed Guests, Visionaries, and Change-makers,

When, in the upcoming next 20 years, the ongoing invitation for partnership and the collective efforts to support schools worldwide through X-Challenges can empower young minds to acquire insights and knowledge surpassing those of individuals twice their age, and potentially lead human society into a Contemporary ‘Age of Exploration,’ then how fortunate would we and our future generations be?

It is with great excitement that we extend an invitation to the X-Challenges—an exceptional event uniting global leaders, organizations, and individuals committed to reshaping education in this transformative era of artificial intelligence.

We encourage you to delve into the depth and breadth of the X-Challenges by thoroughly exploring our dedicated website.

The core of the X-Challenges initiative lies in unleashing educators’ teaching potential and unlocking students’ learning capabilities, aiming for the future prosperity of human society as a whole.

Apple’s initial generation of computers aimed to revolutionize education. However, Steve Jobs expressed deep disappointment that after 20 years, nothing substantial had transpired.

In 2023, New York City prohibited the use of ChatGPT in its educational system.


The reason stems from a highly stable but rigid educational framework established over 300 years, which heavily relies on human-powered school system. Factors such as school finance and accounting, the teacher-to-student ratio, curriculum based on standardized content-centered industry norms, the oversight of accountability and assessment for both educators and learners’ development, and the limited school learning spaces have created a constrained environment that leaves little room and time for integrating advanced technological support and solutions.

From the remarkable dream teams generated by ChatGPT for the X-Challenges, you may discern the historical significance of great teams and the colossal efforts required.

The X-Challenges represent an unprecedented initiative, transcending any prior educational reforms.

The “first principles” of education align with pedagogical best practices, recognizing that every child is a natural learner. Therefore, it’s crucial to facilitate each student in achieving more effective, efficient, authentic, and personalized learning, resorting to direct instruction only when necessary.

Across the globe, the transformation of learning outcomes into valuable assets remains uncharted territory for educational institutions. This monumental task surpasses the capabilities of any singular school or institution.

Similarly, the research or establishment of invaluable learning relationships remains underdeveloped within educational institutions. Once again, this monumental task extends beyond the purview of any individual school or institution.

Reflecting on the current state of education: in 2022, Finnish teachers initiated a national strike due to capped limited incomes, reorganization issues, and a plea for appreciation.

In the face of such challenges, what motivates educators to deliver their best? What incentivizes highly skilled individuals to pursue teaching careers?

Moreover, how do young individuals foster motivation to learn when they can’t possess learning outcomes as valuable assets before reaching legal adulthood at 18? How do they learn about ownership and democracy protected by law?

Recognizing that the X-Challenges demand a collaborative effort involving multiple teams, we are eager to explore diverse partnership opportunities.

Beyond potential collaborations with industry leaders like Microsoft to create co-pilot products tailored for authentic learners of all ages—where our expertise lies—we highlight the significance of the co-pilot, in our case, AI-mate. This emphasizes the profound connection between co-pilot products and the authentic learning and personal development of pilots, who are, ultimately, us as human beings.

Whether enhancing human beings with AI or transforming human labor with AI, our commitment remains rooted in authentic lifelong learning, fostering anytime, anywhere learning relationships.

The future evolution of the internet aims to foster directional learning relationships rooted in values. This shift envisions nurturing diverse learning communities, moving beyond traditional information-centric or advertising-driven models, opening up extensive educational and business prospects for entities of all scales.

Furthermore, we aspire to forge partnerships with leaders in finance and wealth management to expand entrepreneurial solutions into offering culture-independent family-centered asset management services—when and where the learning outcomes of every family member can be transformed into valuable assets.

Moreover, our pursuits include exploring various solutions such as digital air, water, and soil testing with solution, among numerous other innovative ventures, rooted in the idea of lifelong authentic learning.

These endeavors align with our commitment to authentic learning and cultivating relationships based on values, positioning numerous businesses or entities striving to enhance our children’s future as potential contributors within the league poised to tackle the X-Challenges.

How can you get involved-whether offering solutions, products, or services locally or globally? As we have reached out to you through this X-Challenges invitation, just reach out to us!

  1. Initiate a Business Partnership:
    To propel the X-Challenges forward, kindly reach out to us via email for a collaborative venture and we will get back to you as soon as we can. In your email, provide:
  • Your interest in the X-Challenges
  • Details about you and your organization
  • Your envisioned role and expected achievements for your fields and regions through partnership.

    Contact Information for Collaborations:

  • Business Partnership:

  • Research Collaboration:

  • School Partnership:

  • Press Inquiries:

 2. Support the X-Challenges:
      You can contribute and engage with the X-Challenges through the following

Your presence and contributions are pivotal to this global movement.

Together, let us embark on a journey towards a future where education transcends limitations, preparing our youth for boundless opportunities.


Guoli Liang, Ed.D,

Co-Founder, President, and Co-CEO, LearningMate Inc.
Co-Founder and President, Global Educational Community

Paolo Pirjanian, Ph.D
Co-Founder and Co-CEO, LearningMate Inc.
Founder and CEO, Embodied

Faye Snodgress
CEO, Global Educational Community